Somatic Therapy

Experience the power of connecting your mind and body to release emotional blockages and find deep, lasting healing through somatic therapy.

embodied therapy image of moving from dark stress to flow and embodiment

Somatic Therapy

  • You're tired of encountering the same obstacles in your life, time and time again. You've pursued personal growth, collected tools and techniques, yet still find yourself searching for genuine solutions.

    The time has come for something new.

  • Somatic therapy supports you in connecting back to your body in safe new ways, allowing you to better understand and utilize the signals it sends you, rather than being ruled by stress, fear, anger, grief, and past patterns.

  • Where talk therapies end, somatics begin! Your nervous system knows and communicates so much, and it's time that you had the knowledge to work with your body instead of fighting against it.

  • With roots all over the world and throughout human history, somatics includes many ways of connecting to and understanding the self.

  • You can access somatic therapy as individual sessions, if you want to test the waters, or aren't sure how often you'd like to attend.

  • You can access somatic therapy as a recurring monthly program, which provides two sessions plus an astrology/tarot quick dive and free Patreon access every month.

currently accepting new clients

currently accepting new clients

reaching out for help for depression anxiety stress trauma grief therapeutic supports therapy somatics

Individual Sessions

Individual Sessions are your quickest way to self-connection. Through somatic approaches, we will support you in connecting to your nervous system, and help untangle life’s puzzles! Whether you’re navigating acute stress, seeking big-picture guidance, or exploring somatic therapy for the very first time, we’ve got you.

Individual sessions are offered on a sliding scale from €100 to €40. For payment plan info or pricing in other currencies, reach out!


Monthly programs are a fantastic way to ensure that your mental health is supported and cared for long term.

Each month you will have access to two individual sessions, one astrology or tarot quick dive, and full Patreon access including zines and worksheets (€250 value).

Monthly programs are offered on a sliding scale from €200 to €90. To create your custom monthly plan or to access info on pricing in other currencies, reach out!