The Grief Carnival

The Grief Carnival is a space for you no matter what your grief feels or looks like.

The Grief Carnival

  • You know that loss and grief can change your life, forever. You may have tried other grief spaces, and maybe haven't felt welcome, or haven't found a space that can embrace your unique grief experiences.

  • The Grief Carnival is a completely unique grief space. Whether online or in-person, each carnival provides multiple facilitated offerings, self-guided activities, and space to process and pause.

  • Often, traditional grief spaces focus on "moving on" or "getting it together". At the Carnival, you are invited to hold your grief; to stay with it; to learn and know it; and to support it.

  • Throughout the Carnival, you have the opportunity to engage with as much or as little as you choose - so that each time, the Carnival can be the exact thing you need.

  • The Grief Carnival hosts a wide range of practitioners, from astrologers and tarot readers, to embodiment coaches, to musicians and writers, to shamans, therapists and more!

  • All forms of grief and loss are welcome at the Carnival, and you are always encouraged to bring your own rituals, practices, and beliefs into the space, and access the offerings that feel right for you.

our next event is online!

our next event is online!