Psilocybin Therapy

Embark on a profound journey of self-exploration with the guidance of psilocybin, a powerful plant medicine that can unlock new perspectives and facilitate personal transformation.

Psilocybin Therapy

  • You've been working on your mental health for a while, and you've made some big steps forward, but you've been wishing things could move a little quicker.

  • Psilocybin allows your body to create new pathways in your brain and nervous system at a faster rate than usual. This means that we get to the root more directly and you see the impacts sooner than with other forms of therapy.

  • Communities and cultures all around the world have used many forms of plant medicine and psychedelic therapies throughout history. Today, we have the evidence and knowledge to back it up.

  • Utilized in tandem with somatic therapy approaches, psilocybin has the potential to help you achieve years of change in only months!

  • Wherever you are in your journey, connection to plant medicines can help you to ground and grow in entirely new ways.

  • Psilocycle's proprietary nine week medicine program allows you to access these powerful plant medicines in the form and speed that works best for you – whether that's microdosing at home, or a full medicine day in person in Portugal!

only three spots left!

only three spots left!

microdosing medicine day macro medicine day plant medicine psilocybin mushroom magic mushroom therapy

Your Bespoke Medicine Program

Have you felt trapped in a cycle of recurring obstacles, tirelessly seeking solutions but never quite finding the key to lasting change?

It's time to break free from the shackles of persistent patterns - for good - and soar to new heights of personal growth!

Your bespoke Medicine Program is a focused deep dive into nervous system healing, and all completely customised for your needs, triggers, and goals.

For those seeking the biggest impact possible, a macro medicine day program can rocket you to new heights. In this program, you receive somatic therapy support through four hourly introductory sessions, a full-day medicine session, and four hourly integration sessions.

If you’re not able to attend a medicine day in-person in Portugal, or aren’t ready to experience a macro medicine day, then a microdosing program could be right for you. In this version of the program, you receive twelve weeks of supported somatic therapy alongside a customized microdosing plan that is adjusted based on your experiences.

Both program options receive full access to the Psilocycle Patreon, as well as a bonus Astrology + Tarot deep dive session to help us reflect on your goals and needs.

You have the power to rewrite your story, to paint your life in vibrant colours of your choosing. Don't let another day slip by in the shadows of what could be.

Medicine programs are offered on a sliding scale from €1500 to €600. For payment plan info or pricing in other currencies, please contact us.